Today I woke up and weighed myself and ... I didn't lose any more weight since yesterday's weigh in. It's easy to think, "Wait a minute. I'm not taking in much calories and I'm eating the same amount as the days before. Shouldn't the scale continue to go down each day???" Well, I can say from experience, not necessarily. And while I'm not quite sure what's going on inside my body, I do know that it's temporary and I will continue to shed pounds. So, I guess it's a lesson in patience and faith and I'm okay with it. Instead of stressing about it, I took a beautiful walk today around West Chop with another retreater. An hour and a half went by before we knew it. I'm adding a picture to this post because it's so beautiful here right now, and most people who come to the Vineyard usually don't think about coming at this time of year. Yet it is so pretty and peaceful with the snow and all.
I'm planning to leave the retreat tomorrow and return home for a few days. It's always a little more challenging to detox at home, because I won't have the support and company of fellow detoxers at home as I do here. In December, before the holidays, my daughter asked me to start a detox, which we did together for five days. I am truly grateful for her suggestion and her company because I don't think I would have started on this wellness track without her suggestion. She gave me the kick I needed and I continued for two weeks, stopping just before the holidays, 15 pounds lighter. I did learn more that time about preparing for ending the detox and knowing that I would be celebrating the holidays, I made sure I introduced foods slowly and more successfully than I had ever done before. Last night Dr. Roni gave a good class on moving on to what she terms "maintenance" (and I term "normal life"). I learned why it was important to introduce food groups back into your diet slowly, one and a time, starting with the easiest for your system - whole vegetables. This is because we need to give our system time to create the enzymes we haven't been needing because our foods have either been pure juice, or broth, or pureed soups, which don't need much breaking down activity to digest. So, when you reintroduce food, your body has a lot of work to do that it isn't used to doing and isn't prepared to do. And I guess even though raw foods contain enzymes, we also need to create them in order to fully digest. Introducing foods back into our diet slowly allows our bodies the time to build up the enzymes we will need to work on digesting the food we begin eating after this detox diet. Anyone out there have experiences with ending this program either successfully or "uncomfortably?" Chime in!
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